Anthony Camarillo

Come check out some work I have enjoyed doing

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About Me

I am a recent mechanical engineering graduate from California State University, Long Beach pursuing a career in data analytics and curious about the various ways in which data can be used to confidently drive real world decisions. Some of my personal interests include: music, fitness, and cooking.


Spotify Regression

Created a recommendation playlist to explore music beyond my normal scope of listening which resulted in my finding of 19 new songs outside the genres I normally listen. Performed analysis of distributions and chi-squared tests for measuring preferences among key features then used logistic regression to predict the tracks in the playlist

Sam The Cooking Guy Sentiment Analysis

Analyzed the sentiment of comments for two burger videos made by the YouTube channel Sam The Cooking Guy which revealed an overall positive response from users who commented on these videos. Observed distributions of text sentiment(negative to positive) as well as time-series analysis for change in user sentiment over time.

League of Legends Discord Bot

Created a discord bot which connects to the Riot API and collects data for players. Current functions allow users to command the bot to retrieve player rank, statistics, and a visual displaying recent characters played with wins and losses, resepectively.

NFL Running Backs Interactive Visualization

Scraped statistics from for the top 50 rushers, in total rush yards, for the 2019 season and used the python framework Dash by Plotly to create an interactive visualization. The visualization features a scatter plot of all players rush attempts versus yards gained week-by-week and a line graph displaying individual player’s rushing performances over the season.

Nutrition Analysis

Collected nutrition data from household food items and fast food items I commonly consume. Visualized carbohyrdates, fats, and protein to see how individual items compared to each other and how they affect my personal dietary needs.

California AP Scores Visualization

Gathered data of California AP scores from for the years 1999-2016. Using excel, cleaned individual worksheet files and combined them into one file, then used Tableau to create a chloropleth map which displays percentage of AP exams passed per county in California.


Sam The Cooking Guy Database

Created a database from YouTube comments and corresponding video details from videos by Sam The Cooking Guy. Used Python to get data from YouTube API and insert the data into Microsoft SQL Server.

MySQL Scripts

Some queries I have done for online challenges to learn and practice working with SQL